In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. M Stanley Whittingham


Abstract Submission Open ! About 500 abstracts submitted from around 60 countries.

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Ritesh Kohale

Sant Gadge Maharaj mahavidyalaya

Santllis Isoredshift: New Edge Towards Cosmological Implications In Recent Era
6th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications

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The objective of present work is to put forward the Santilli's basic theoretical conventions, his key findings, his research drilldown and experimental confirmations of IsoRedShift (IRS), IsoBlueShift (IBS) and NoIsoShift (NIS) with the appropriate mathematical formulations renown as Santilli's Isomathematics. Prof. Santilli has carried out a step by step isotopic lifting of the physical laws of special relativity resulting in a new theory today specially known Santilli isorelativity. In his 1991 hypothesis Santilli established the requirement to realize the light as electromagnetic waves propagating within a universal substratum. Santilli's studies have presented a significant reconsideration of the special theory of relativity. Prof.Santilli accomplished an efficient measurements and established that while light traverses from Zenith to the Horizon, the entire spectrum of Sunlight experiences an IRS. In this work we have concentrated on concurrence of Santilli's IRS and IBS with the adages of special relativity beneath their appropriate mathematical interpretations. Besides we focused on the innovative experimental verifications of IRS by Santilli.